Monday, December 10, 2012

Vegetarian Questions I Often Get Asked

These are the questions I get asked most when someone finds out I don't eat meat. I hope I didn't miss any! I can also add more, too :)

How long have you been vegetarian?
      I stopped eating meat sometime in the Spring of 2009.

...So you ate meat before?
      Yes. I ate everything under the sun.

Why Did you stop eating meat?
           Lots of reasons: I wanted to lose weight and as I read more about healthy eating and taking care of your body, my focus shifted more to being healthy rather than just getting skinny. I read a few books that went into detail about where our food comes from and everything that gets put into animals. I read a lot of assumptions (not enough actual studies to provide tangible 'evidence') about a correlation between steroids and hormones put into animals we eat and how children are hitting puberty at younger and younger ages. Which means, I also stopped eating almost ALL animal products (I went vegan). I cut out as much artificial sweeteners as possible. I am not this strict anymore. I eat cheese, eggs/egg whites, and the occasional diet pop. *guilty*

Do you miss it/is it hard?
         Not really. I have had some grilled chicken but I don't struggle with it. I rarely crave chicken, and if I do, it's always lean and grilled. I do not think I could eat a steak. It use to gross me out, now it doesn't. I will cook it for my husband, I will even use the same fork to flip meat and stir my veggies. I'm not anal about that. But I don't want to eat it. I really think it works well for me - I don't think others would be able to stop eating meat as easily.

Did you lose weight?
          Yes ....and no. When I stopped eating meat, I made a LOT of changes. I think it helped me lose weight in the way that ANY fast food I ate completely stopped. Rarely would I go to a fast food place JUST for french fries. That cut out SO much fat!! I had been working out and I can't think of any changes in my workout schedule at that time. BUT - I am very into fitness and love reading about all things fitness. I am constantly changing my routine, setting new goals, and switching up workouts. I get bored easily, so this is mostly preventing my getting burned out. When I stopped eating meat, I stopped eating most junk food. I tried to eat ONLY healthy food and ONLY things that are GOOD for my body. So, yes, when I stopped eating I lost weight - about 15 pounds - but I also was also eating really healthy.
   To better clarify- I still don't eat meat, but I have gained weight in the last two months. (I'll never tell how much :) hehe) I cancelled my gym membership, my workouts outdoors have decreased along with the weather (I HATE the cold), and I have been eating more sweets, cheese & crackers, and alcohol. So my calories burned have decreased along with increased caloric intake = weight gain. All without meat. I have met women that are chubby and vegetarian. Think about all the food that doesn't have meat in it- donuts, potato chips, coke, chocolate, cookies, etc...

Do you feel better?
         YES. I feel BEST when I do not eat ANY dairy at all. I feel AMAZING. Not to mention, vegans have THE BEST skin. I really should stop eating dairy again! ;-)

         I use to get super annoyed when I got asked this. But then it dawned on me - I didn't know, either, until I read about it. Generally speaking, it is recommended that people have between 10-35% of their calories come from protein. It's higher with certain populations, like athletes or pregnant women. Long story short (without calculation & explanation)- I should eat a MINIMUM 50 grams of protein a day. A normal day for me is:
breakfast of 4 egg whites =20g 
                   low fat cheese = 7g
snack                   almonds = 3g
lunch boca burgers           = 38g
dinner whole wheat pasta = 7g
              veggie crumbles  = 15g
post workout whey            = 20g
various vegetables
    throughout day               = 10g
TOTAL OF 120. Greek yogurt and cottage cheese is also high in protein, but I haven't been eating those as much lately. The average American consumes TOO MUCH protein. Heck, some days I eat too much without any meat, so I can't image what those eating meat get!

Monday, December 3, 2012


From a Christian woman perspective written toward other Christian women:

I won't name names. I don't need to. We all know women and/or men like it.
Those who live by "look, but don't touch."
Lately, I've come into contact with women reading "50 Shades of Grey" and watching "Magic Mike" and I have done a poor job of explaining why I won't read or watch anything like it.
I've jokingly said, "I'm a married woman!" or something vague about how I would not like Steve looking at naked women or strippers and so I show the same courtesy by following that same request.
I've made it seem like it was some sort of mutual contract Steve and I made. He doesn't look, so I don't look. We look at each other.
I am not saying that this is false, or untrue.
But - it's not the whole story.
I didn't want to watch or read that stuff before I got married.

And I am embarrassed that I've created this cop-out excuse that I don't because I'm married.

Lord, forgive me.

The real reason is I am a God-fearing woman.
If, by chance, the idea of porn being bad offends you, just stop reading now.
The Bible is VERY clear about sexual sin and even lust:

Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman [OR MAN] with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

THIS is the REAL reason I don't look.

I want to be closer to God. I want to follow Him, love Him with ALL MY HEART, SOUL, & MIND. And SERVE Him. 

1 Peter 5:7-9 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

So. There's my little confession.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I need to remember how good I feel.
I need to come back to this and remember how great it feels after a good sweat session, and that working out really does make me happy!
I was terribly miserable before I went running an hour ago - sad, tired, didn't want to get out of bed to do anything.
Oh, God, you are so good to make endorphins. What a great designer! ;) haha!

Monday, September 3, 2012

nom nom

I am such a fat girl at heart. I really am.
I tried a couple recipes last week - all successful! I have pictures and links for the recipes, I'm just too lazy today to type them out myself :) I'm not sorry. I used the app Myfitnesspal to calculate the nutritional info with all the items I used. Some of the recipes I tweaked a little, based off what I had.

SO. Those were all amazing, and didn't last in my house very long. I changed my lifting routine again - I get bored easily. :) Ideally, you should mix it up every 4-6 weeks, I think I am usually lucky to be on the same one for four weeks! I will be honest - my diet has been horrid. I don't know what's up with me - it's hard for me to get motivated the past week or so to eat clean. The last few days I haven't felt well, itchy throat & extra sleepy. I joined bodyspace for some encouragement, and it really has helped me get a little more excited about my workouts and making progress.

I have really put on muscle - honestly, easier than I thought I would! I have been sure to eat a lot of protein and not eat too little (Lord knows my problem is never not eating ENOUGH). My abdominals are still pretty strong, but under a little more... cushion covering them. So I haven't taken any progress pics - they've gotten worse. :( I keep thinking - "I will eat clean tomorrow! I will get serious!" But it doesn't last long. It's like I just forget that I want to eat clean & shed some fat.
Like I said, I need more motivation. A set, specific goal.
I have quite a few people in town who have already talked to me about my training them! Wow, makes me pretty nervous! I just worry that I won't do well or I will be disappointing.
Oh, but I always worry those things when I start something new. No biggy :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No one "has it all" when you look close.

Lately I have been worried about our house that we still have not been able to sell or rent.. I pray about it (almost) daily, and some days more often than others.

If Steve and I were smart, we would fast about this. (It is really hard for me to not go off on a tangent about the church today and lack of teaching about fasting!)
However, it also reminds me how blessed we are and how thankful I should be about all that we have. We have food. More than enough food :). Every day. We don't wonder when our next meal will be - no, we wonder WHAT we will eat out of all our choices! We have a bed, a roof over our head. And not just a roof, but one that doesn't leak. We have AC when it is hot outside and we have a heater to warm it up when it is cold. We have more clothes than we have room for. Dressers stuffed full, boxes, and closets full of clothes. And they are CLEAN. We have a washer and dryer and soap to clean them. Every day.
We are rich. God has always taken care of us, through thick and thin.

Something that has been on my heart a little bit has also been that I have been a very poor steward of money in the past. It is tempting to think - "Oh, when we finally get rid of that house we can take an exotic vacation!" Or, "We can really start investing" (Okay, that last one wasn't so bad) the point is - my thoughts are immediately selfish! What can WE do for OURSELVES with that money. BAD KAREN. And I can't help but let my thoughts wonder to - Is this a lesson? And we won't get the house sold/rented until I learn this so I can be a better steward of what God has given me??

There are really SO many things I need to work on - and I know that God is working on me. Little by little every day! ;) Focus today: BE THANKFUL AND THANK GOD! THINK OF WAYS TO BETTER SERVE & RESPECT/LOVE MY HUSBAND. KEEP THOUGHTS PURE AND FOCUS ON GOD RATHER THAN FITNESS/HEALTH AND NOT COMPARE MYSELF WITH ANYONE ELSE.

Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV)
Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Hebrews 13:5Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Workout & New Recipe!

Alright. I am going to try to make this quick - I need to start working on dinner for Steve soon. :)

Yesterday I did a TABATA workout at home (in the back yard while tanning :D!) and today I am SO sore!! It is a workout by Amanda Russell found HERE. Can I be honest? Of course I can, it's my blog! She kind of annoys me. This workout really pushed me, though! TABATA always kicks my butt. It's amazing. Haha! Tonight I am going to try a new class at the gym - either piloxing or power cycling. I haven't picked yet! I know I would love power cycling, but piloxing just has me so curious about it..

I finally made these protein cookies!! Not sure where the recipe is from - pinterest? Some blog? I took a picture of it on my phone so I have no clue. I read soo many different blogs for recipes/work out ideas. Anyway, here it is!

I, of course used natural peanut butter WITHOUT SUGAR (WATCH LABELS!! JUST BECAUSE IT SAYS "NATURAL" DOES NOT MEAN THERE IS NO ADDED SUGAR!) and I somehow forgot to put in salt. This was so easy to make, I don't know how I missed it, but I did, and Steve and I think they didn't even need it! However, they were a tiny bit more dry than I like my cookies to be so Steve recommended next time I double the greek yogurt. I will definitely make these again!

On another note: Steve and I have exciting news!! We picked our first tomato!!!!

We are looking forward to many more this season! Our tomato plants are HUGE and there are many green ones already growing! :)

Friday, May 18, 2012


 I will only post a few ~ I don't know which one we will put up in our living room yet!

House Wifey

I am incredibly blessed in that I do not need to work/my husband wants me to be a home-keeper. Today was especially exciting -- the lawn needed to be mowed. It is absolutely my FAVORITE chore. I LOVE moving & being outside! It has been SO nice this week, too! Steve has been getting faster at work and because they haven't increased his patients yet, he has been getting done at work a little earlier and also getting a longer lunch. It's been pretty nice. Twice this week we got to have a little picnic outside during his lunch break. So fun!

Today was extremely windy so I decided to do my run with HIIT inside at the gym. Lately my cardio indoors has been less than I would like. (I usually don't like treadmills or elipticals - like I said before, I like to GO places OUTDOORS). So I spent a couple minutes before leaving the house thinking about that and realized that I need to have more of a plan than just "doing cardio at the gym". I decided what would be a good workout before hand and then stuck to it. I have to say, it is fun seeing how many calories you scorch doing HIIT! I subsribe to many fitness blogs and pin many on pinterest so I have an abundance on ideas, but this week I wasn't really committing to any certain one before hand. (Unless it was outdoors. I don't have a problem with running intervals or long distance outside.)
 So today I did one mile warm up, stretch, two minutes at 80% and two minutes easy jog TEN TIMES, one mile cool down. (All at incline 1)
It was great!! I was drenched with sweat and torched 900 calories. After mowing, before I washed up, I did a short workout from Tone It Up. Good day :)

I am the kind of person that sees babies or baby clothes and wants one. Lately, though, I have really enjoyed all the time I get to spend alone with Steve. I keep thinking, "We couldn't do this if we had a baby!" It helps me hold out longer. Haha. I know it's the smart thing to do to wait a couple years and I really do want to. I am so excited for when we do decide to grow our little family! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lend Me Your Hand, and We Will Conquer Them All

Checking in!
I fit into my wedding dress for some more pictures with a photographer I've known for years. I haven't seen them yet - I will be sure to post, though! :)
Today: ran six miles in a little over an hour. I'm just glad I got it in! I am having a hard time lately getting in longer runs. I have time, and no legitimate excuses - just a mind game, really.
I have cut my carbs, increased protien, and got back into lifting. I already notice a huge difference. Steve weighed me out of curiousity the other day and said that I've lost weight. I have no clue, still, what I weigh. I didn't know what I weighed before. And I like not knowing. I really have a tendency to obsess about what I think the "perfect" number is, blah blah blah.
I haven't thought - until just now - to measure myself. I don't really care much, though. For once in my life! I am more toned, and will continue to get more toned (consistency is key!) so I'm not worried about it. What a relief!
I am doing a show in July, so I would like to get my hip measurement to 35-36. That isn't much, and once again, what I am doing will get me there. :)

I had a little pride-ful moment (Lord forgive me) last week at body pump. I just LOVE being STRONG and getting STRONGER! It feels so good. No, this picture is not me! Haha. I would love to get this tank, though!!

I realized something this week. I really really hate feeling awkward. And that is a hinderance to me as I try to make new friends here. Steve is so good at it! He is just so friendly & outgoing like most people here. I could learn from him. :) I am so thankful that churches here are full of welcoming & loving people! I keep praying for a group of Christ following friends. I need to be praying more for confidence & the guts to be more outgoing!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Race Recap/Venting

Wow! I am so disapointed with how I did! I couldn't figure it out. I was more than prepared - why did I get so sick? Not pregnant, didn't try anything new on race day (like gels)... Then Steve asked what I had to eat the night before. Some whole wheat pasta & 3 bean salad. ..."The three bean salad you made last week?? Chickpeas go bad within a few days!"
Horrible timing!
But, I still finished. And considering how sick I was all afternoon, I would say 2:27 isn't too bad! Pretty frustrating, but I'm glad I did it and now it is OVER.
Which means - I can go back to body pump classes & lifting lower body!!!! :D I went to body pump Tuesday this week. OH it HURT SO GOOD. I was very surprised how strong my lower body has gotten from only running! For the Squats & Lunge tracks I did more weight than I think I have ever done! I wasn't expecting that at all. I still want to keep milage up, but I am cutting my carbs the next two weeks so I probably won't be at the same amount I was while in training.

Today I did five sets of the following:

I was drenched in sweat at the end. What a workout! I'm also going to go to the gym in a bit and do some cardio!
-1 mile warm up
-2 minutes hard / 1 minute easy x8
-1 mile cool down

I will be bikini ready in no time! ;)
Speaking of bikini season - I miss the lake! I miss going to the lake for a week in the summers I was in California. Oh, I miss it so much! I'm not sure what this summer in Woodward will entail, but I sure hope it's fun. I still haven't made many friends here so it's not looking good - LOL. I didn't miss Tulsa before for many many reasons - but I am beginning to miss the few friends I have there and tanning with them last summer! :(
I keep praying that God send me a good friend ~ it's hard not to get lonely here sometimes.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar and Metabolism?

So recently I have started following many different blogs about fitness & health. Most of these people are fitness models and their blogs are full of clean, healthy recipes and heart breaking workouts. Awesome.

I have noticed that a couple of bloggers are really into drinking Apple Cider Vinegar. The Tone It Up diet (can I bring it up again??) has a drink "Meta-D" that is made of apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, crushed red pepper, 100% apple juice & water. I haven't bought this plan. So I don't know how many times a day they recommend drinking it - I know at least once in the AM with breakfast.

I did some research.

It looks like drinking apple cider vinegar has been thought to aide in weight loss for YEARS. For years people have been drinking this stuff. Multiple sites and studies later... I cannot for the life of me find ANYTHING that solidifies or supports that this will increase metabolism or help a person lose weight & burn fat.

So many people claim that this helps - but there is no proof! None. So there you go. Hours of reading summed up to this little: Drinking apple cider vinegar will not help you or I increase our metabolism, lose weight, or burn fat.

I am not a close minded person. I am decisive, sure, but I do my research and make educated decisions. This is true of politics, too, which I plan to not ever bring into my blog. (*Shew* I know.) So if you find legitimate evidence about this pointing in another direction - please tell me! I just could not find any. Not. A. One.

I was about to say "no new recipes" but it is a lie! I just remembered. Yesterday marked five months being married. Wow! Funny, I would say it feels longer, he would say it feels shorter. I don't know why we never "feel" it has been the appropriate amount of time. I also don't know which is better, or if they are not better or worse - just different. Anyway. I tend to eat like a horse (you know, let me lose with sugary & cheesey food and I will eat myself to death) BUT I remembered a recipe I saw for *TWO* cupcakes! Hehe! Makes me giggle a little bit. :) I tweaked the recipe some - making it with 1/2 sugar, 1/2 splenda, almond milk instead of cow utter milk (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA non-vegans are freaks!! lol I am totally just kidding) and I forgot the vanilla. I did not realize I had forgot the vanilla until Steve asked what kind of cupcakes they were. Before I could say vanilla - I realized I hadn't put it in. They were just... cupcakes. But so good!!! They were easily the best I've ever made! Winning.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I ate GREAT all day yesterday.
Then, I made chocolate chip cookies.
I should have known better. Ugh.
That is pretty much how every day lately has looked, though! I do great, until the evening when my husband wants some sort of sugary snack and I cave - every time! It's like I just cannot be around it without eating junk food! So annoying.
It was so much easier to say only occasionally "no" to junk food. When I lived with roommates who ate pretty healthy as well I had very little temptation. Not that I would eat their food anyway. I had such a hard time before I moved out of my parents not eating crap because they kept so much at the house. I am just not one of those types that can "just have a nibble" or only one cookie/brownie, whatever. I freaking REALLY LIKE SUGAR.

I need to change this and find some sort of substitute or something, because I can't keep doing this every day. My husband isn't going to change. He makes sacrifices and gives up a lot of junk food he would probably normally keep in his cupboard. Because he knows I have little control and at some point I will probably eat 3/4 box of whatever junk food it is. I have known this about myself for years. And so I never got junk food. It will drive me crazy and I will seriously think about how much I want to eat it and argue with myself about it ALL day.

I'm seeing a counselor tomorrow. I wonder what she will think about all this. Poor lady.

For breakfast I had egg whites with red onion & tomato. My legs hurt all night, to the point where it was difficult to even get comfortable laying down! :( Normally the day after long runs I run an easy three or four miles. Today I biked at the gym for 25 minutes instead. It felt SO good! Really stretched out my legs :) Then I did a lot of upper body weights & came home and did a TIU abs video. After the gym I made protein crepes - SO GOOD! I think I'm going to start making these for a while with fruit instead of protein pancakes (kind of burned out on those right now~) For a late lunch I had veggie sausage, half a sweet potato with smart balance butter & pumpkin pie spice, and some fat free pretzels.

The Kale Salad (I used spinach) I posted about yesterday was a SUCCESS. It was SO good!!! I'm making it again tonight :) I did not make the three bean salad because we have quite a bit of left overs to finish off first-- Brown rice & cauliflower soup. I am sure that will be tasty, too, though!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ran 13 This Morning!

My legs hurt still! I took it pretty slow - I should have warmed up more, but, like always, I only stretched a little. I had different aches all throughout my run. The wind today was minimal and the temperature was about 55 degrees. It was so nice & sunny! The hills killed me - normal.
My average pace was 10:42. My goal for the race is a 10 min pace. The total time I think was about two hours and seventeen minutes. (I deleted the time accidentally :(.. )
I decided for the next two weeks to focus on eating healthy and as clean as I can without counting calories. I know losing weight is an easy concept - eat less than you burn. But I honestly am not quite sure how many calories I should be eating with how much I am running and right now my goal is to do this race without injury or passing out. :) Steve has really encouraged me to not worry so much about losing weight until after my race. But so many people are making training for half marathons part of their weight loss program. So I don't know.

I found two recipes that I am excited to try tonight for dinner!! They are both on the Tone It Up nutrition plan. I love these girls!! They have great workouts that I have done and really push me to work hard! I have not paid to join their program but I have subscribed to their emails and every once in a while they send out great recipes! I kind of want to pay for the plan but it is more than Steve wants to pay. The diet is pretty clean eating - lots of protein as well. Nothing new - I know how to eat. I know what is good for your body and what is not. I don't have an excuse. I am really curious about all the recipes they have, though! I have done their abs work out videos a few times and some full body workouts. I have pretty much cut all lower body workouts because I am running so much. Doing lower body weights (even light ones) really work against my training. I still do a lot of abs work and upper body, though!
Now that I think about it - I did TABATA yesterday, four minutes of burpees. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds. WOW! My heart was POUNDING. I wonder if that might have something to do with my tired legs today!

Here are two Tone It up recipes I found on Pinterest (there is my healthy board! :D )

Kale Salad (Walmart is out of kale!! :( Sad. I will use spinach instead.)

Karena's Kale Salad
Servings: 10 -- big enough for a BBQ!  You can divide the portions equally if you want to make less servings.  This salad keeps well overnight too!  It's actually better tasting the longer it marinates :)
  • 5-6 cups kale, washed and cut with kitchen scissors into thin strips.
  • 1/2 cup dried unsweetened cranberries.
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts.
  • 1/2 cup diced red onions.
  • 1/2 cup cherry red tomatoes
  • 1/3 cup feta cheese.  We suggest low-fat or non-fat.
  • juice of one lemon
  • 2 fresh diced garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Mix kale, cranberries, tomatoes, nuts, onions in a glass bowl.  In a separate dish, mix lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic to make a dressing.  Pour dressing over kale and toss to coat evenly.  Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, overnight 6 hours or more is best!   Before serving, toss in feta cheese.

Three Bean Salad


  • 1 15-oz can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 15-oz can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 15-oz can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped fine
  • 1/2 red onion, chopped fine
  • 1 cup fresh, finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 Tbsp fresh finely chopped rosemary
  • 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup organic sugar or substitute for Stevia.  If you use Stevia, you won't need as much.
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


  • In a large bowl, mix the beans, celery, onion, parsley and rosemary.
  • In a separate small bowl, whisk together the vinegar, sugar, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Add the dressing to the beans. Toss.
  • Chill beans in the refrigerator for several hours, the longer they soak the better the soak up the flavor!
Serves 4 to 8.

SO EXCITED ABOUT BOTH OF THESE :D Today before my run I ate protein packed chocolate banana cake that I made yesterday. I make them in a muffin tin - mistake! I had them with black coffee and just dipped it in. They came out so dry! I will try putting some apple sauce in this recipe next time I make it. After my run I had a shake made of one banana, about 1/3 cup of almond milk, 1 cup strawberries, 1 scoop protein powder, and like always SPINACH! :D I also  had four morning star "chicken" nuggets. Lots of protein! Yum! And of course - LOTS OF WATER. I've already had 32 ounces in the last three hours, and I hope to triple that by the end of the day. Not that hard with my nalgene :D